Better Lives for Men, Better Lives for All

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Equality and inclusion

MDN attend National Integration Conference 2022

Men’s Development Network’s Head of Programmes & Advocacy Colm Kelly Ryan attended the first day of the Irish National Integration Conference 2022, organised by the Immigrant Council of Ireland.

This annual event brings together national and international migrant experts and activists, as well as allies, to discuss key areas of integration to share ideas and identify positive actions to promote effective migrant integration and inclusion in Ireland.

The theme of Day 1 (held in Dublin on Tuesday, 10 May) centred on the theme of ‘Coalition Building for Equality’, recognising that we are stronger when we work together.

Speaking about the day, Colm said “it’s great to be here with allies, partners, and friends who are standing up for a more equal, diverse, and inclusive society.

“We at Men’s Development Network and White Ribbon Ireland stand in solidarity with migrant communities, refugees, and asylum seekers in Irish society in striving for substantive equality.”

Roderic O'Gorman, Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, speaking