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Child Safeguarding Statement

Child Safeguarding Statement

The Men’s Development Network Counselling Service provides counselling and psychotherapy to adults over the age of 18.

The Men’s Development Network Counselling Service Child Safeguarding Statement is a guidance document for staff to identify and respond to any allegations or suspicion of child abuse or neglect. The document adheres to The Department of Children and Youth Affairs National Guidance for the protection and welfare of children, published in 2011 and The Children’s First Act 2015. 

This Safeguarding statement is displayed on the Men’s Development Network Counselling Service website and in our Counselling Service Office.

The Men’s Development Network Counselling Service adheres to the Children’s First Act 2015 and Article 1 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  The definition of a child is a person below the age of 18 years, who is not, or has not been married.  The Safeguarding policy applies to all staff members of the Men’s Development Network Counselling Service including volunteers and board members.


The following principles underpin the Child Safeguarding Statement:

1. The welfare of the child is of paramount importance.

2. The Men’s Development Network Counselling Service is committed to respecting the rights to dignity and bodily integrity of every child and to protect those rights under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child as outlined in Articles 2, 3, .and 6.

3. All Staff have a responsibility to protect children and have a duty of care to report child abuse as set out in the Children First Act 2015 and in accordance with the National Guidelines for the Protection of Children 2011.

4. The MDN endorses the Children First Act 2015 and is committed to developing policies and procedures in line with legislation.

5. The MDN will not knowingly engage any person or organisation or fund any project that poses a risk to children.

6. MDN will ensure that all staff receive appropriate training in Child Protection.

7. MDN will ensure that its recruitment policy adheres to best practice and that all staff are Garda Vetted by the Garda Vetting Unit.